Practical Measures & Tools
What could you bring to the world that you didn't realize you were capable of?
Our brains are capable of so much more than we realize. There are findings in neuroscience that tell us how the brain can change and function in new ways. This gives us important information about our development; that we can displace old, familiar patterns that have us getting in our own way with new vital patterns that lead to more effective behavior and better outcomes in our lives.
Critical skills for this new era of leadership...
Grit, Grace, and Gravitas: The Three Keys to Transforming Leadership, Presence, and Impact
New! The Resource Guide and Workbook for Grit, Grace, & Gravitas is now available…
GRIT, GRACE & GRAVITAS: The Three Keys to Transforming Leadership, Presence, and Impact, has proven to be an enlightening and effective approach for leaders who are seen as exemplary, motivating, and inspiring. After many requests, the workbook was created to give readers the opportunity to take real-life situations and find innovative solutions. It provides a structure for implementing the ideas and applying the knowledge and insights gained from the book itself to your specific challenges.
Great Leaders Empower the Human Spirit